Wednesday, July 31, 2019

When The World Stands Out, Aspire To Be Outstanding

We are all different. We view things from different perspectives. What one person acknowledges as the truth may not be accepted by others. There exists a plethora of interpretations, which are rooted on the fact that people come from varying backgrounds – politically, socially and culturally. These differences allows people to be unique in there own ways. The world is divided, geologically speaking. As such, people grew up in societies that have dissimilar and often conflicting views on a number of things. I was born in Bangkok. The place that I first called my home is a bustling city.Being the capital of Thailand, most efforts in relation to economic development are concentrated there. It dominates the country’s economy. Unfortunately, the continued development of Bangkok results to the neglect of other urban centers. This makes the disparity in wealth distribution more intense. Despite the developed faà §ade of the city, the truth that there is inequality still linge rs. Growing up in a country like Thailand, where people from neighboring countries come to work, I have learned to accept the fact that the things I believe in is not always the same as the things that the people around me agree to.Confrontation is not always the best solution. If I keep on asserting my own views upon others, I know that we won’t come to an agreement. It is best to base my judgment on respect and not animosity. It is in this line of thinking that I gained the courage to speak out, even though, I know that others won’t agree with me. Deep inside I am hoping that they would respect my opinion regardless of my political, social and cultural viewpoints since I do the same to them. The other reason why I choose to go against the grain, sometimes, is due to the fact that I would like to create a better future for myself, my family and my community.I have seen both the glittering and rusty covered side of life when I was in Bangkok. I know that I can do bette r if I work hard and believe in own capabilities. I also know that I can a difference in the world in the same way that the world affects me. When the odds are against me, I try to remember that I am more fortunate than others because I am able to exercise some of my rights especially my right to education. I am thankful for what I have now that is why I work hard to show how much I appreciate them. Once again, I can say that I draw my strength from my family and community.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Sociology and Social Sciences

The traditional social sciences which have been developed as part of the totality of learning in the West have been brought over to Asia. It is now becoming increasingly evident that the validity of such social sciences, whether in the realm of research theory or of action policy, can no longer be accepted uncritically. An appreciation of what is valid or invalid, applicable or inapplicable, is therefore imperative.Such analysis is necessary not only as an academic venture; social change is basic to the Asian aspiration for modernization and the need is urgent for such change to be directed towards the achievement of what may well be Asian as distinguished from non-Asian goals. CULTURE The problem is clear and present. The Asian academic world, until now, has been staffed with many scholars whose training has been, for the most part, in Western universities and institutions. At the same time, the political and intellectual leadership in the larger life of its society is held to a sig nificant degree of Western-trained leaders.The orientation of many of these leaders has been conditioned by the predominantly Western culture. Trained to think in Western terms through the medium of Western languages, some are experiencing a reawakening to the reality of their situation. Asian intellectuals are undergoing an agonizing period of soul-searching. Their system of values, developed through years of training in, and broad exposure to, Western philosophies, is being shattered by a realization that these values may not be suitable to the Asian environment.Recently, Professor Ruben Santos-Cuyugan of the University of the Philippines expressed misgivings about the movement towards the unification of all knowledge, including the assumption of â€Å"universal categories of culture† and the universality of value judgment. This movement, according to him, makes the social scientist evade one of his fundamental responsibilities which is â€Å"to examine the ways by which h is science and thought, indeed his very perceptions, are rooted in the matrix of his own culture† (Santos-Cuyugan 1967). POLITICSIn the meantime, in the realm of politics, the postwar leaders of Asia have discovered that independence has not automatically ushered in the Utopia. Thus, they are not seeking the nature and structure of government that will best meet their needs, the political philosophies their peoples should embrace or adopt, and the policies that will bring about the good society by their indigenous standards and values. A starting point is the fact that with a few exceptions, the developing countries of Asia profess belief in freedom and human rights, the rule of law and constitutional government.These concepts and maxims are manifested in their constitutions. However, in spite of guarantees enshrined in their constitutions, these countries find it difficult to achieve real constitutional democracy. For the constitutions of the West have, in many cases, been tr ansplanted to Asian soil without the historical experience that nurtured them in the West, where they were the products of a long period of evolution and development. Democracy implies mass participation by the people in the political process.But if the people are not sufficiently educated in the processes of democracy, or have not sufficiently imbibed its spirit, how can it flourish? In fact, one wonders whether or not the structure of government of the Philippines, patterned as it is after the outlined in the American Constitution, is not really a hindrance to, rather than an instrument for, national development. In any case, it has become quite clear that Western-style democracy has to be modified so as to satisfy the urgent Asian desire for economic progress and social justice.Liberty, as this term is used in the West, has mainly the negative connotation of freedom from arbitrary restraint. In the Asian setting, it must be given a positive content; governments have to assume a g reater responsibility for providing opportunities for the growth and self-realization of citizens. In the same manner, â€Å"justice† has had mainly a political connotation in the West, where it is usually associated with law and social behavior. In Asia, if political justice were not integrally related to economic justice, it would be almost peripheral to the real problems.In so far as Asians are concerned, economic justice is the more relevant concept because it touches the heart of the existing social order. In this sense, it is associated with the eradication of poverty and the alleviation of human suffering. Another qualification should be made. There is so much lip-service to the concept of â€Å"rule of law† in many Asian societies. By this, people are supposed to be guided by certain legal precepts in their social relations. However, in the Philippine experience, despite the fact that most Filipinos are professed and vocal adherents of the â€Å"rule of law.â € They do not find difficulty in transgressing legal rules because in the business of everyday living, non-legal rules oftentimes command greater obedience than legal ones, especially when values such as family and kinship ties are involved. This is part of the explanation of such phenomenon as nepotism. Which is certainly frowned upon by the formal laws of society, but which is carried out in practice by almost everyone in political authority. Finally, bureaucracy, as an institution, is in external forms and manifestations similar to its prototype in the West.The same formal methods of recruitment, of organizational charts, of job descriptions, etc. , are utilized. But the ethos that animates Asian bureaucracy is obviously quite different from what animates Western bureaucracy. ECONOMICS The discipline of economics fives many illustrations of the limits of applicability of Western concepts, values and methods. The most evident at the moment is the emergence of new branches of st udy, such as development economics, and of a more socio-psychological approach to the study of economic systems than Keynesian economics allowed at an earlier period.Thus even in the West, there is a growing recognition (e. g. , Hagen 1962), that if economic growth is to occur, a country’s cultural patterns must be such as to produce â€Å"high need-achievement† directed towards â€Å"clusters of followers† once innovations are made. In fact, to achieve substantial economic development, it is suggested that the number of individuals with the entrepreneurial-motivational complex, and particularly with high achievement drives, will have to be significantly increased.Again, many Western economists have been laboring under the assumption of conventional analysis that the missing elements in developing societies are modern technical knowledge, capital, specially trained manpower, and a sound plan for using capital, manpower and technical knowledge. Once these element s were made available, they assumed, progress will automatically ensue. The international economic policy of the Western nations have therefore generally been geared towards providing these missing elements, with perhaps the strongest bias being in the provision of capital as the principal agent of development.The view is still widespread that if Asian countries can only obtain, through their own efforts or through foreign assistance, as sufficient amount of capital, they would be able to â€Å"finish the job† of development. The truth is that investment, whether public or private is subject to the risks, uncertainties and eccentricities of the poor public administration. Since development is a process, it is subject at every stage to how effectively the government can execute its plans.Moreover, it is now clear that traditional marginal analysis, however useful it may be as a basis for the understanding of advanced economics, can be very misleading for underdeveloped ones. W hen such factors as population growth and technological progress are made an integral part of analysis, instead of being left out altogether as in traditional equilibrium theory, out analysis can lead to policy conclusions exactly the reverse of what orthodox equilibrium theory might suggest.Even with the emergence in the West of development economics as a new field for the study of developing countries, certain biases continue to show. An example is the fact that in the West, economic development as a goal has been reckoned almost exclusively in terms of increases in annual national income. The corollary problem of income distribution has been merely glossed over. This is a serious omission because of the existing wide disparities in incomes among the peoples of the developing nations. This is illustrated in Philippine society.For this society may be likened to a social pyramid with an acute apex and a very broad base. At the apex is a very small segment of society, the rich and th e very rich; at the base are the broad masses of those who are poor and very poor. The constellation of power in our society has traditionally consisted of the hacendero-politico class at the apex of the social pyramid, which held sway over the lives of human beings. More recently, a new industrial class has appeared to increase their numerically few but historically powerful ranks.The elite class enjoys the benefits of modern technology and the affluence that it makes possible while the vast mass of the population lives close to the subsistence level. There is this a distressing and ever-widening gap in the process to goods and services. It is clear, therefore, that to be relevant to the realities of the Asian situation, economic development should not be reckoned only in terms of annual rates of economic growth, or of doubling national incomes in a decade.It should be vitally concerned with promoting economic justice, in spreading more widely the benefits of economic progress, and in continuously opening up new opportunities to an ever-widening circle of entrepreneurs and investors in the developing countries. In short, the achievement of economic democracy has to be a primordial goal, alongside the acceleration of the growth process. SOCIOLOGY In the realm of rural sociology, many practical limits to Western social research concepts and methods have been actually discovered in the Philippines. Methods and TechniquesTo begin with, planning a research project on the Western pattern is often not warranted by the amount and quality of available resources. There is, for instance, the problem of shortage of local professional social researchers compounded by the attitude which rural folks have for those social researchers. In the West, its rural folks are used to extension workers, welfare-agency volunteers, missionaries and the like. On the other hand, Philippine researchers and interviewers have been looked upon as philanthropists, as some sort of Rockefeller o f Ford Foundation representatives ready to give out material aid (Feliciano 1965).The establishment of concepts and definitions has not been easy. Social research is built around a framework which requires certain concepts such as household, family, literacy, religion, cooperation, and the like. But a research group, led by Professor Gloria D. Feliciano of the University of the Philippines, has recently concluded that in diagnostic studies wherein these concepts need to be stated in more refined or precise terms, an adaptation is necessary to avoid getting inaccurate data (Feliciano 1965).The term â€Å"religious affiliation. † For instance, has a connotation in the Philippines different from that in the West, where individualism and not â€Å"familism† prevails. In the West, it implies not only membership of an individual in a religious group. But usually religious preferences as well. In the Philippines, where close family and community ties are predominant, religiou s affiliation becomes a family or community matter. Hence, the term does not necessarily imply the religious preference of the individual.Another example mention by a Philippine research group has to do with family types: In this country (Philippines), one may not find a simple or nuclear family defined and interpreted according to Western standards. For, although it may appear simple nuclear structurally, functionally it usually partakes of the character of the extended type. Studies in recent years have exploded the myth that structurally the Filipino family is of the extended type. Rather, they showed that although the majority of the nuclear families live apart from one another, this did not deter them from helping one another in times of need or crisis.  (Castillo 1963 and Feliciano 1964, cited in Feliciano 1965).In reporting one of his studies, a Filipino researcher expounded on the problem he encountered in regard to the concept of cooperation: In the West, where this term gave rise to cooperatives, one usually thinks of it in terms of a disciplined, highly ordered code of behavior, de-emphasized family loyalties, rigid business principles, and a high degree of rationalized behavior. In short, the term has come to be associated with individual independence.In the Philippines, however, where the practice is deeply rooted in familiar or family ties, it is a matter of interdependence among indivuals. (Provinse 1960, cited in Feliciano 1965). Finally, insofar as the concept of literacy is concerned, a further refinement of sub-types is needed in the Philippines. It has been discovered that very often one encounters people who could literally read and write but who do not fully understand what they read or write.Role of Women, Role of Education In another report, Professor Gelia T.  Castillo, a pioneer rural research scholar in the Philippines, has found it necessary to reexamine the role of women in the development scheme (Castillo 1964). Her findings s howed such strong female influence in family and farm decision-making that for purposes of development work, it would be more fruitful to classify the Filipino woman in the rural scene as an active initiator, legitimizer, and decision-maker in her own right, rather than just a person who plays a mere supportive role to her husband, her father, or her barrio.A closer examination of the role of education has likewise been suggested because, while it is a potent instrument for effecting change in agricultural production, education acquires a different dimension when it â€Å"rules out mud on educated hands. † This view has been corroborated by another rural researcher, Professor Juan F. Jamias (1967). Who has an interesting explanation for the effectiveness of the â€Å"verbal culture† (education, research and extension) in increasing agricultural productivity in the Philippines.He states that the agricultural college degree in the Philippines has been â€Å"white-collar ized. † He cites data on the employment distribution of graduates of the College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, which show that except for 8 percent engaged in farming, all the rest may be classified as white-collar workers. A later and more comprehensive survey revealed that only 1. 3 percent were actually engaged in private farming or business. Most of the graduates were actively involved in teaching and extension work. There are other examples of generalization that need closer scrutiny.In community leadership, does youth versus age necessarily mean change versus status quo? Is the mutual self-help circle, often regarded as an existing resource for cohesive community action, coterminous with the village unit of operations? The problem of concepts and definitions aside, the Feliciano research group has found out, too, that Western scientific sampling techniques are quite difficult to apply because, oftentimes, sampling universes such as geographic, or politic al subdivision lines are not definitely established.Furthermore, in many places, the basic socio-economic structure of the occupational groups, ethnic and religious groups, and types of land-use and land ownership have not been objectively defined. Raw Materials from Research in Action Programs The traditional social research method, which has come down to us from the West, calls for empirical evidence to support existing ideas. Our experience shows that rural research theory in the Philippines, in fact, being enriched by various experiences in research in action programs.The findings of Professor Gelia Castillo show that the researcher in action setting â€Å"has a unique advantage in obtaining substantive and methodological insights while actually participating in real life events which are part of the process of bringing about change. † At times, she says the problem which defies any design except the kind which involves a faithful description of down-to-earth happenings, is the most fertile source of insights. Examples to support this view have been cited.In the Philippines, many extension workers have claimed that most of the researches done are not practical and economically feasible under village conditions (From The Innovator, 1965). In the Philippines, experience, new theories in rural sociology are arising from empirical evidence. And the existing facts and data gathered are quite interesting because they are the results of pioneer efforts, empirically identified with their meanings laid bare rather than assumed by the conceptualizer. Truly, the agents of change in rural Philippines are breaking virgin ground. Knowing One’s AudienceAs we have said, in effecting directed social change, Western social scientists have focused their attention on knowing one’s audience. Even in the voluminous literature on diffusion studies in the United States, rarely have investigators addressed themselves to the nature of the innovation and the cha racter of the carriers of change. Among the advocates of change, there is an unchallenged assumption that the change being introduced is good, that the change agent is effective and that, therefore, the farmer who refuses to accept the innovation is irrational (Castillo). To be sure, the audience should be known.Who is the Asian farmer, for instance, whose ways are sought to be changed? This is an extremely important question. Again, one should know his audience in order to evaluate his data. It has been found that the reliability of farmers’ responses depends upon the respondent’s image of the researcher or interviewer and their expectations from the project. The Role of the Change Agent Be that as it may, to understand the subsistence farmer’s response or lack of response to the innovations sought to be introduced, the innovation itself must be proved, and the role of the change agent fully studied.On the latter point, one of the findings is that oftentimes a change agency is as rigid as the farmers it seeks to change. A former consultant has been quoted as saying that â€Å"the problems of development exist just as much in the organization charged with instituting change schemes as they do in the populace they are trying to change. † (Kumata 1960) To other findings have come out of the Philippine experiments. One is that a change agent can hardly expect to be effective unless his roles is accepted by his clientele.Rapport with the villagers, therefore, becomes a key factor. The other is that the agent of change in the Philippines should have a versatility unmatched by his counterpart in the West. The enormity and diversity of problem situations he comes to grips with require an interdisciplinary thinking, especially when he is the only social scientist within a radius of many kilometers. He should not be just a rural sociologist or an agricultural economist but a social scientist with expert preparation in his own discipline.He n eeds sophistication in social theory, mastery of research methodology, adequate comprehension of bureaucracy and political behavior, and intensive exposure to the world of village action, administration and policy. Towards a Theory for Developing Asian Nations It is of the highest priority that the teachers and practitioners in the social sciences in Asia emancipate themselves from the value-bias of Western concepts and postulates of reasoning. There is need for escaping the universalizing that characterizes much of the social sciences as they have developed in Western academic circles.Asian social scientists should undergo a truly creative engagement with their own culture and society, making use, in the process, of frameworks that provide standards of relevance to the experiences and aspirations of their own people. It should be constantly borne in the mind that there are limits to the applicability of Western concepts, values and method to Asian realities. It is important therefo re, that organized efforts be undertaken to compile and codify the vast amount of scattered data on particular subjects of social research in the different countries which are to be found in research offices and libraries of universities.With a commitment to intellectual efforts with a decidedly Asian value base, more genuine works of scholarships in the social sciences should come out of the academic world. With the growing data from field works and social sciences which enable d us to verify the referents of concepts in our respective countries, we may usefully embark on the ambitious project of setting up a theory for the developing Asian nations, and in the process, hopefully, understand ourselves.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Assignment 1 part 3 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

1 part 3 - Assignment Example Anna loved her sister Kate so much that though she also suffered from pains due to medical procedures, she never opposed her parents’ decision in favour of Kate’s health. However, during court trial it was also the same sisterly love which made her pursue the lawsuit against her parents for medical emancipation. During her testimony in court when Campbell asked her as to who convinced her to file a lawsuit, she replied, â€Å"Kate.† (p.449). She recalled the time when she saw Kate holding pills, purposely to end her life (p.460). Then, at one time, Kate convinced her not to donate her kidney by making her imagine a life where she could join hockey, go to any college she wants without having to worry about her sick sister (p. 462). Following her sister Kate’s advice of not donating her kidney, she thought of filing a case against her parents for medical emancipation. Secondly, parents’ love for their children is a value very much evident in the novel. Sara loved Kate so much that she was willing to do every thing for her daughter’s sake even to the extent of representing herself and her husband in court against her own youngest daughter’s claim for medical emancipation. Brian had been a very loving and supportive father to Anna by making her stay with him in the fire station for a couple of days as court hearing commenced. Before the hearing, Brian sympathized with her daughter Anna and vowed to take side with her, allowing her not to donate her kidney. Yet, during the trial, he burst into tears, expressing his wish for Anna to donate her kidney to save Kate’s life. That’s how strong his love was for Kate. In another incident, we also see Brian as a very loving father to Jesse when he discovered that Jesse committed arson in an elementary school near their house as all the clues were pointing to him. Yet, Brian kept it as a secret out of love for his son. This incident touched Jesse

Sunday, July 28, 2019

What is Pirandello implying in this allegory by having characters in Essay

What is Pirandello implying in this allegory by having characters in search of an author. What does the theater of theater implies - Essay Example It also played on Broadway in New York City in 1922. Six Characters has been classified a satirical tragicomedy, meaning that its purpose was satire, but with elements of both comedy and tragedy. This play, as well as many of Pirandello’s other plays and novels, is also considered a forerunner of Theatre of the Absurd, an important artistic movement of the mid-twentieth century and developed by authors like Samuel Beckett and Edward Albee. There is much Theatre of the Absurd in Six Characters. Pirandello, like many later absurdists, rejected realism in drama and art and substituted it with symbolic representations on stage. According to Pirandello, the characters in Six Characters represented the creative process he went through when creating characters. It is fitting that this play’s setting is the rehearsal of another play, one that just happened to also be written by Pirandello, The Rules of the Game. Setting the setting of a play within another play is a common practice today, but not during Pirandello’s day, when it was unheard of and truly absurd. In an essay Pirandello wrote in 1925, about the process of creating Six Characters in Search of an Author, he said, â€Å"The mystery of artistic creation is the mystery of birth itself† (n.p.). He likened the creation of characters to the experience of giving birth. He rejected realism in theatre and drama, so he imagined that his characters, as a result of his creation of them, were actual living entities. The six characters in this play are physical representations of that concept. Even the Director, who goes about helping the characters find the plot of their play, is confused about the reality of the plot and by the end of the play, is unsure about if what he has experienced really happened. The first audience’s experience seems to have imitated this character’s experience. Of course, for Pirandello,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Choose your favourite decade in make up and hair and explain why Essay

Choose your favourite decade in make up and hair and explain why - Essay Example or Miss. Coming out of the confusion of the seventies with its disco and punk rock, the eighties became increasingly concerned with symbols of power and business. This was encouraged by the privatization of industries and the de-regulation of the stock market introduced as a part of Thatcherism. As a result, the prevailing attitude regarding the economy became one of every man for himself. Electronics were gaining in popularity in many areas of life – synthesizers and keyboards in music, the introduction of the music video and digital animation, computers in the workplace and video games from the arcade becoming available in the home. New innovations in technology including the ‘nuclear age’, innovations in hair gel and mousse and increased use of personal technology made the science fiction shows on television seem possible just around the corner. All of these elements combined together to create a vibrant and outspoken era in hair, fashion and makeup that thrill s me with its energy and innovative symbolism. One of the major influences on 80s fashions was the designer Vivienne Westwood, who developed her talents in the thick of the 1960s and 1970s rock and roll movement in Britain. Her fashions exemplify the sexual freedom and aggressive stance of female expression emerging in the women’s movements that rocked the world at this time. Through her early designs, Westwood discovered that â€Å"there was a dramatic potential in the clothes themselves that could be heightened: laden with associations, biker gear links sexuality, violence and death, in a twentieth century archetype† (Savage, 2001: 28). She began a new line of clothes that were based on these ideas by adding metal studs, chicken bones, chains, zippers and other gear to the clothing she made. Doing this, Westwood became the mother of the punk rock fashions (Savage, 2001: 28). These designs included a heavy use of the corset as a fetish object, frequently making it in leather,

Management of chronic pain control in cancer Essay

Management of chronic pain control in cancer - Essay Example In one year more than 500 people in 100,000 will be diagnosed with cancer within the United Kingdom (Cancer Research UK, 2012). The same site states that the survival rate for all cancers has now reached 50%, with some types having a very high 5 year survival rate of 95% and with women generally having a higher survival rate than men. Treatment will have included such things as surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, all of which play their part in either removing or destroying cancer cells. Such treatment though has its costs and it is a normal experience to have some pain after cancer surgery. Most of this will fade after time, but in some cases pain can persist for months or years, especially if nerves are damaged. After radiation therapy there may be pain which eventually resolves. In some cases though pain can develop a long way down the line. Chemotherapy can also result in pain and numbness. Some people may also find that they are liable to migraines, low back pain and other t ypes of pain (, 2012). All of these pains require treatment, but often patients are worried about taking large amounts of analgesics, and may not reveal the extent of their problems. Fullen et al( 2006) point within schools of both medicine and nursing the amount of time spent teaching students about pain relief varies considerably, which will contribute to a patchy service when it comes to pain relief, simply because of inadequate training in some areas. This in turn means that more patients suffer to a greater extent than they need do, and also increase time off work and in hospital, at great cost to themselves and to the country’s health service., Chronic pain has been defined as† having pain on a daily basis for more than six months† (Fullen et al, 2006). Cancer is a term used for more than one hundred diseases in which abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and invade surrounding tissues as well as spreading to other parts of the body through such me ans as the lymphatic and circulatory systems. It affects both organs and mechanisms. This multiplicity of possibilities requires very individualised treatment at every stage from diagnosis on through treatment and into survivorship. The Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention (2004) describes how a diagnosis can mean a person feels isolated, anxious, angry and depressed. It might well be assumed that once a cure has been achieved all this could be put behind them, but persistent pain is a very real issue in many cases, as could be psychological issues. Some will feel exalted that they have survived such a major threat, but others may continue to see themselves as a victim, especially if there are long term physical differences, as for example if there is the need for a permanent colostomy, or a man becomes impotent. Within the United Kingdom in 2012 it was declared that treatment for cancer is becoming ever more successful (Department of Health, 2012). The cure is not always the fin al end of pain however. The patient and his family have had to deal with the shock of diagnosis, the progress of the disease and then the joy of the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Comparison Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comparison - Research Paper Example This concise overview will further analyze the history of public health and look at the difference between the community health and public health. Public Health Resources Public health refers to the medical approach that covers the health issues of the entire community. Public health resources facilitate providing health services to the public through an integrated and coordinated approach. The public health resources range from the health infrastructure to the health personnel and the health information services. Public health has several core functions, which include the monitoring and assessment of the populations and communities health and identifying priorities and problems (Cromley & McLafferty, 2011). Further, public health contributes in the public policies formulation to address the national and local priorities and problems. Lastly, public health ensures that citizens access cost-effective and appropriate care, which includes services of health promotion, health care evalua tion, and disease prevention. The practice of public health in Clinton County occupied a central place to ensure public welfare of her residents. Public health in Clinton County has contributed immensely in disease diagnosis, disease prevention, health promotion and prolonging life through community efforts organized for environment sanitation (Cromley & McLafferty, 2011). ... Clinton County is situated in Pennsylvania State; most of the public health resources in these localities are similar. These resources provide residents with continuous evaluation of the community's healthcare needs, as well as epidemiology and surveillance. Further, both Clinton County and Pennsylvania State have public health resources that track the patterns of treatable and preventable diseases, referral services to patients who require such services. Other resources include immunization services, public health response and emergency planning, environmental protection and community awareness through outreach programs. The national public health resources are broad, and they do not concentrate on any single provision. Instead, the national public health resources are general, and they are disbursed to the respective counties and states to ensure that they reach the citizens (Cromley & McLafferty, 2011). Therefore, the national public health resources cover the entire nation, and t he resources facilitate the health activities at county and state levels to ensure that the public receive high quality health services. The history of public health services dates back to 1798 after an act was passed to cater for the health needs of merchant seamen who were injured. In 1870, the entire hospitals were controlled by the state from a central point; this happened to give room for efficient supervision. The hospitals that were controlled from a central place formed the Marine Hospital Service. The scope of this hospital service widened, and the hospital started to undertake other complex activities besides caring for the seamen. In 1902, the Marine Hospital Service was controlling the spread of diseases through quarantines.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Better Place Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Better Place Company - Essay Example In essence, the objective of this company was to reduce and eventual riddance of automobile industry’s over dependence on oil. The mission of Better Place Company is to make the world a better place by 2020 through successful adoption of electrical vehicles use. The intended change will create a significant difference in the environment by reducing the amount of emissions. The automobile industry stands to gains from Better Place Company in numerous ways, which include providing flexible and readily available products for the consumers such as service plans, accessible charge spots and switching stations. Moreover, the absence of Better Place Company in the automobile industry will significantly reduce and weaken the inter connections amongst the primary players in the industry. 1.3 Stakeholders Better Place Company enjoys an intensive niche of stakeholders in the electric vehicle manufacture and marketing environment across numerous countries, which include Israel, United States, Denmark, Canada, Australia, and Japan. Some of the Better Places’ stakeholders include diverse governments, national electric utility, and venture capital and battery firms. In addition, the car manufacturers and the corporate sector forms part of the Better Place Company’s stakeholders base. 1.3.1Significance of the Stakeholders The company depends on the stakeholders to run its activities. Running financial activities of any company requires capital and from the case study, Better Place Company gets its capital from the stakeholders. For instance, in 2007, the company raised $200 million from venture capital funding and $350 million in 2010 from different governments across the globe. The amount summed up to $1.25 billion making it the second largest start-up in th e history of company venture capital funding. On equal measure, stakeholders such as utility, battery and manufacturer companies play a significant role in helping Better Place in achieving its objective of widespread of Electric Vehicle adoption. The companies link the consumers with the car companies consequently reducing the hurdle of limited mobility, which undermines the adoption of electric vehicles. This linkage influences the consumers’ mindset to adopt the electric vehicles (JOHNSON, SCHOLES, & WHITTINGTON, 2008). Moreover, the linkage creates easy platform of improving services offered to consumers due to the competition amongst the firms. The healthy interdependence between the company and the stakeholders propels the growth of the company factors such as competition from other small companies motivate Better Place to offer exemplary services to maintain its market niche. Consider the following diagram indicating the interdependence between the stakeholders and the Better Place Company. Better Place Stakeholders On the other hand, the government through its policies influenced the standards and incentives, which enhanced provision of the bulky of increased activity in both the hybrid and EVs markets. In other words, the governmental incentives to the service companies such as Better Place expanded the respective market niches, consequently market competition. This move enabled the Better Place company to achieve its objective of wide spread adoption of EVs. 2.0 Industry and scenario analyses The steam engine technology, initially developed and adopted for industrial applications was progressively tailored to personal vehicles by middle of 18th century into the automobile industry due to increased population in cities. Increased demand for

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Visual Analysis Paper for Art Humanities Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Visual Analysis for Art Humanities - Term Paper Example For instance, comprehension is improved greatly. It becomes more insightful and many people become interested in the message passed across1. A glance a clear visual analysis at the pieces of works by Pieter Bruegel, harvesters clearly portrays the plights of an ordinary or common man. The fact is, this is a true reflection of what happens world over, however much it may face suppression to suit the current humanism. This is so due to two possible reasons; either due to forced labour from the purported land owners or masters or by the circumstantial life challenges which includes economic constraints. Whatever the reason, it shows a basketful of challenges facing the ordinary man who has to struggle too much in order to survive and fit in the society. From the harvesters’ case, there is farming which is of a great thematic concern. It is natural to perform such duties as farming and this accords accreditation from both the traditional and supernatural commands. However, there is something very sceptical about this call. This is toil and it is supported by the individuals portrayed as exhausted and possibly taken away by a light nap. Others slightly off duty do so at the behest of the call of nature and that is for them to have a bite to keep them moving on. It shows that the struggles undergone by these so called farmers in order to get bountiful harvest; not in the sense of the word is excess. However much it may seem of a picnic, it depicts the realities of nature. That is, it makes the whole idea very natural, the time setting being appropriately manipulated. The terrain displays a beautiful landscape and the motivation exhibited by individual persons in the drawings is very real. There is nothing more appealing to the eye as a natural setting. The landscape shown in the drawing is ideal and is immensely handy in the art industry. Naturalness has brought more delight in the work of Pieter. It can be noted that the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Fluency Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fluency - Assignment Example Visually impaired students will also be located in the front seats to ensure they can see the instructions being given. During the pre and post tests, visually impaired students will be given a written out test to ensure they are completing the test correctly using the correct words. A computer with CD-ROM software and internet connection will help students watch the book review online and related stories. Also, will help them research information on character education on the internet. Distribute The happy lion story book to each student. The teacher will instruct the student to pick from the various story books a book of choice and sit in their respective groups. The students will be instructed to analyze the book cover and state at least two characters identified. The students will also write down the analyzed character traits. The teacher will also pass a pre-test to assess their skills and knowledge on understanding and their fluency in treading the story. The teacher will then assess the student on the one-on-one basis for their ability to read fluency and speed in reading and character identification. The teacher will correct the mistakes in students reading and help them answer the pre-test correctly. Explain to the students: today we are going to read a short story the happy lion from a highly interesting story book by highly influential author. Assess the number, of students who have ever read the story. (Wait for the response to determine students’ interest in reading the story). It seems that many of you have never read the story. Well, I will help you go through the story and understand what the author says about fluency. Are you interested to read the story and assist me understand what the author is saying about character development? First, let look for the meaning of the word ‘fluency’. Fluency is the capacity of a person to read with speed, accuracy and right expression. Similarly, to be

Monday, July 22, 2019

Globalization & new trend Essay Example for Free

Globalization new trend Essay Globalization is the hip and new trend when the discussion focuses on certain social aspects like technology, economy, business, commerce, media, entertainment, sports and communication. This is owed generally to the impact of globalization to the way individuals live in the modern day, 21st century world. Globalization is the idea that individuals can reach each other despite geographical and other boundaries that made globalization impossible before and kept life strictly local or regionalized. With the entry of the trend of globalization, the world has embraced a new concept of the world which is now closely interlinked, countries acting like small communities that houses citizens that can freely interact with citizens of another countries in real time despite the thousand miles of separation and the difference in time zones. Many believed that globalization is generally a good idea – viewers in China can watch the National Basketball Association Finals game real time, while students in Pakistan, Australia and Greenland can talk with each other simultaneously via the use of the Internet. Banking became flexible and ceased to be country-centric, and trade and commerce saw a bigger opened door that pitted international and local businessmen in a toe-to-toe battle since globalization in trade and commerce commenced. But not all of the effects of the globalization is viewed as a very positive spin on things. Everyone has caught the globalization bug, and to make sure that they do not get left behind, the street gangs of the United States of America has also stepped up and made important restructuring steps to ensure that the operation of their specific gangs transcends localized action. The street gangs of the US has gone global, and why not? As much as it is a peer group that grows because of the fulfilment of what street gangs promises to provide its members, affiliates and partners in a personal level (affinity, protection, a sense of belonging and brotherhood, etc), these same street gangs of US are also thriving because of their role in local (and now, global) albeit sometimes illegal economy. What does it mean to have a US street gang globalized? It does not directly mean that these gangs establish branches outside of US territory, say for example, Crips-China or Bloods-South Korea: this idea is at worst preposterous since the very core idea of the formation of street gangs is the creation of a self imposed fiefdom over a particular neighbourhood which they consider as their turf, the seat of their power. The creation of branches or extensions in other places or other countries will make these loosely structured gangs akin to the rigid structuring of legitimate fraternities, which they are from. While it is not far fetched that the idea of branching out happened to any of the street gangs in the US sooner or later, the globalization of these gangs is not merely defined or limited using this particular precept: they become globalized once their ‘operation’ ceases to be limited to localized action, distribution and supply pipeline construction; they become globalized when they maximize and utilize any and all available technology so that they connect with other gangs and similar entities across the globe; they become globalized when their existence becomes a part of pop culture or socially shared common knowledge even in places they haven’t even been before, due mainly to the role of mass media and how gangs are always included in entertainment materials beamed and telecast in different parts of the world, introducing them to this kind of social strata; they become globalized when their status improves to that of global prestige and renown. Klein (2001) supports the thinking of the natural course of pattern of growth of local US street gangs going outward, saying that we have exported our American street gang culture abroad and adding that there are Crips in the Netherlands and that the particular forms of European gangs seem similar to those to be found in the United States (pg 237). These copycat street gangs followed the same US street gang roles in their own countries, doing their part in their part of the world while US street gangs did theirs in America. Schaeffer (2002) said that foreign mafias were based close to drug supplies but far from US government prosecutors. This meant they were better placed to obtain drugs and evade the law, particularly since government authority was weak in their host countries. There were also able to establish connections with young, aggressive street gangs based in US immigrant communities (pg 356). The Triggers of Globalization – Like all of the other aspects of life affected by the entry of globalization, these street gangs did not just go global by itself; instead there were external triggers that acted as catalyst towards the change that these gangs experienced from being local entities to global participants. The triggers prompted the change; they allowed the gang members to see the potential and possibility of going global, in effect selling the idea of globalisation to these groups and enforcing the compulsory change at the same time. Some of these triggers include internet, telecommunications infrastructure, music, written media and movies. More and more people are becoming more cognizant of these gangs and how they work, and many impressionable kids who want to emulate the characteristics of the gang members utilize the internet for information. Even the amount of related literature available about US street gangs is voluminous, owing to the fact that street gangs and their lives and actions has been intensively chronicled by news as well as academic studies resulting to written works published both via the Internet and traditionally. Even in popular movies, music videos and television shows, US street gangs have already earned a niche as a particular group present in the modern day setting. These allowed the US street gangs to earn international notoriety and fame, and at the same time advertise themselves to the worldwide audience. At some point, these tools blew the US street gangs out of the proportion – they were overrated but criminal organizations put them inside their operations, and the resulting globalized popularity made law enforcement efforts versus street gangs in the country more stringent and strict. Conclusion – Globalization is a freight train that bumps off anyone that stands in the way, and street gangs in the US will not be exempted from the impact of globalization. Not that these gangs considers this as a bad thing to happen to them; its just that globalization imposed itself upon these gangs and not the other way around, globalization dictating the terms to which street gangs made itself amenable too, in exchange for effects that made US street gangs see more than one reason to thank globalization. Something happened to US street gangs, and that is globalization, and like any other social aspect affected by globalization, the US street gangs are changing and metamorphosing – for one, they are far from the ethos of old-school street gangs which exist solely to establish and maintain their fiefdom and establish a social status quo to their liking, particularly those under the blanket of underground and subculture worlds where sin and city merges. Now, street gangs are more business minded; they make themselves effective business entities not by power dressing nor by publicity campaign, but by the use of the only remnant of the old street gang type, a feature still found in the new and globalized street gang – violence, raw power and intimidation. The neighbourhood is now not merely a place they fight for group pride and bragging rights; it has become more important to them because it is an important section of the global pipeline to which their operation and existence depend, may it be drugs, counterfeit money, small arms, black market technology, intelligence, prostitutes, automobiles, gambling etc. Looking at the history of street gangs, it is quite predictable that such international networks would be developed sooner or later, and it is found in the very nature of the creation of street gangs. Going back to the time when the US is still starting to become a new place in the world where people can live, many different individuals with varying ethnicities and cultural background flocked the country. Naturally, there will be groups that will be dominant over the other, and there will be minority groups whose members will soon try to assimilate with those of their own ‘kind’. These are a fairly tribal instinct. Soon, the disharmony that exists between the ruling majority and the minority will become intolerable that a new group will try (and will either succeed or fail) in usurping the former majority group. This will be the cycle inside the society, and those who will grow up will find these affiliations necessary for self preservation. This is the formula that created all African-American street gangs, all Latino street gangs, all Chinese-American street gangs, all Japanese-American street gangs, etc. Soon, these groups with lineage in other countries beside America will be reconnected with their home country, and being American-Japanese, American-Chinese, and American-Mexican allows for the creation of a connection between these two countries. What the street gangs do in the US will be offered in the country where they have an affiliation to (i. e. the Latin Kings participating in drugs, guns and prostitution operations undertaken by Mexican or even Colombian crime lords, the street gangs acting as pawns and small, localized lords representing big, transnational criminal organizations). Even the transformation is natural; street gangs is as much a separate and independent type of social group as it is an integral part in the growth and regression phases of criminal groups that were once street gangs that become powerful criminal organizations and regressed back to becoming small, street gangs. Huff (1996) comments, For decades, very few gangs have evolved from adolescent street gangs into adult criminal organizations (pg 74), while for Repetto (2006), these groups have the tendency sooner or later to experience regressing from sophisticated criminal cartels back to street gangs (pg 9). References: Reppetto, Thomas. (2006). Bringing Down the Mob: The War Against the American Mafia. Henry Holt Company, Incorporated. Ronald, Huff C. (1996). Gangs in America. University of Michigan. Sage Publications. Ronald , Huff C. (November 2001). Gangs in America III. SAGE Publications. Schaeffer, Robert K. (January 2002). Understanding Globalization: The Social Consequences of Political, Economic, and Environmental Change. Rowman Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

Transcript of Herbie By Archie Weller Essay Example for Free

Transcript of Herbie By Archie Weller Essay Colour Symbol Image Herbie by Archie Weller Colour, Symbol, Image By Samuel Beech The colour black is very symbolic in the story â€Å"Herbie† by Archie Weller, the colour black is associated with dark, sinister and contentious acts as is apparent is this morally challenging piece of text. The text challenges our values as a young boy is bullied until he falls to his death out of a tree he is forced to climb. The fact that an indigenous writer has written this text from the point of view of a racist young white boy, suggests that he is trying to get young white boys to see the damage they can cause . Black in some cultures is seen as the work of the devil and in some as the colour of mourning and a representation of grief. The darkness of the colour black helps bring forward one of the key ideas of racial superiority. â€Å"Herbie was the only boong to go to our school. Perhaps this is why we taunted and teased him,† this quote backs the key idea of racial superiority. The ‘whitefellas’ in the town regard Herbie and his family as outcast and they see themselves as racially superior. This comes about because of naturalised assumptions developed since 1788 when the European sailors saw the aboriginals still running around in there loin cloths and with no apparent form of Literature. Since then the naturalised assumption has been strengthened by many different things, the white Australian Policy being one of them. When the Australian government stopped non-whites immigrating. The colour black is symbolic of the white suppression of the indigenous in Australia. The colour could also be symbolic of a cultural genocide against Herbies family and his culture.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Cultural Disparities: How People Express Themselves

Cultural Disparities: How People Express Themselves The foundation of communication is the interaction between people in order to express themselves. Humans can interact with each other using either verbal or non-verbal communication ways. Cultural disparities influence the way people express themselves across different cultures. Both are important in many ways when used during cross-cultural communication. Verbal communication is a way where people express themselves using the language understood by the other person. On the other side non-verbal communication is the process of communication by using wordless messages, including facial expressions, eye contact, tone of voice, body posture and motions, and positioning within groups. It may also include the way we wear our clothes or the silence we keep. Through these cross cultural communication could be explained as how different cultures around the world differ in connecting each other. This essay will explain the relative importance of verbal communication in opposing to non-verbal communication in their contribution to effective cross-cultural communication. It will also cover the area of whether it is more important to address issues and problems with respect to verbal or non-verbal communication. Throughout history different cultures have used different ways to communicate between each other. Before proceeding any further we should define culture. Brislin (1993) states that culture consists of ideals, values and assumptions about life that a widely shared amongst people and that guide specific behaviours (P.4). This communication has also differed throughout time as people interacted between each other, learning new types and ways of communication. All communication is cultural, it draws upon ways we have learned to speak and give non-verbal expressions. We do not always communicate the same way from day to day, since aspects like context, individual personality, and mood interact with the variety of cultural influences we have internalised that influence our choices. Communication is interactive, so an important influence on its effectiveness is our relationship with others. So we should ask do they hear and understand what we are trying to say? Are they listening well? Are we listening well in reaction? Do their responses show that they understand the words and the meanings behind the words we have chosen? Is the mood positive and receptive? Is there trust between them and us? Are there differences that relate to ineffective communication, divergent goals or interests, or fundamentally different ways of seeing the world? The answers to these questions will give us some clues about the effectiveness of our communication and the simplicity with which we may be able to move through conflict. Nonverbal communication is hugely important in any interaction with others, its importance is multiplied across cultures. This is because we tend to look for non-verbal cues when verbal messages are unclear or ambiguous, as they are more likely to be across cultures, especially when different languages are being used. Since non-verbal behaviour arises from our cultural common sense, our ideas about what is appropriate, normal, and effective as communication in relationships, we use different systems of understanding gestures, posture, silence, special relations, emotional expression, touch, physical appearance, and other nonverbal cues. Cultures also attribute different degrees of importance to verbal and nonverbal behaviour. Non-verbal communication account for up to seventy percent of human communication, according to renowned linguist Erving Goffman (1981). In addition, different patterns of nonverbal communication, though rarely spelled out for us verbally, distinguish different cultures. Edward T. Hall discusses these differences in his books, The Hidden Dimension and The Silent Language. He shows that people from Middle Eastern and Arab backgrounds stand closer to each other when talking, finding it acceptable and even desirable to breathe on each other when talking, whereas most Americans of European descent are taught not to breathe on people while talking to them, and to stand approximately eighteen inches to two and a half feet apart from friends and associates while carrying on a conversation. Opposing non-verbal communication is verbal communication. Speaking in such a way that another understands what we mean, and understanding what is meant when someone speaks to us, are the two elements crucial to the effective performance of expressing ourselves almost every day. When we communicate verbally with others, either in a conversation or in a presentation, our customary goal is to have people understand what we are trying to say. Thats why cross-cultural communication becomes important as we need to be able to let the other side easily understand us. We encounter inter cultural communication almost every day if we are living in a multi cultural country like Australia. So, to interact with others in our daily lives we need to be able to speak a language that the other side could understand. Differences of understanding may lead to disagreement, or rise existing conflict. Presume a Japanese person is explaining her absence from work due to a death in her family. She may do this with a smile, based on her cultural belief that it is not appropriate to inflict the pain of grief on others (Beyond Intractability, 2003). For a foreigner who understands smiles to mean friendliness and happiness, this smile may seem incongruous and even cold, under the circumstances. Even though some facial expressions may be similar across cultures, their interpretations remain culture exact. It is important to understand something about cultural starting-points and values in order to interpret emotions expressed in cross-cultural interactions. In conclusion, it could be understood from the evaluation made that verbal and non-verbal communication is equally significant in cross-cultural communication. But as discussed in the previous paragraphs, non-verbal communication account up to about 70% of human communication. According to a research, in a conversation or a verbal communication words are 7% effective, tone of voice is 38% effective and non-verbal expressions are 55% effective (Nierenberg, 1971). So, although both are very significant non-verbal communication is more effective in cross-cultural communication.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Guiding Light Fan Fiction :: essays papers

Guiding Light Fan Fiction Abby goes to the park because she and Rick had a little fight, and she needed some air. She is in the park sitting under a tree minding her own business. She is just sitting there and doesn't hear the two men fighting behind her. She doesn't even hear one of the men pull out a gun. However she coincidentally turns around and sees one man shoot the other. She quickly gets up and runs home, catching only a quick glance of the man. The murderer sees her run away and quickly runs the other way, being careful not to slow down. He gets into his car and drives off. Throughout the month, Abby keeps seeing the murder in her dreams and even thinks she sees the murderer. She can't remember his face, but she can tell that he is about the same size as Rick and has lighter hair. That's all. Rick tries to get Abby to go to a therapist to see if it would help jog her memory, and could help Frank and Levy solve the murder. She reluctantly goes but doesn't realize that she's being followed. The murderer has been following her and she hasn't realized it. While Abby is at Cedars, the murderer notices a picture of Rick Bauer, but doesn't realize that he's Abby's husband. When Abby leaves the hospital, the murderer follows her home. When she arrives, the door is locked and she has forgotten her key. She knocks at the door and Rick comes out and kisses her. The murderer now knows that her husband is a doctor at Cedars. The murderer decides to fake an accident. He ends up in the hands of Dr. Rick Bauer while at Cedars. There we find out his name, Calvin Manns. He and Rick start to become good buddies; and on the day that Calvin is released from the hospital Rick invites him home for supper, but little does Rick realize that because Blake was called to be with her mother, and Ross was nowhere to be found, Abby agreed to watch the boys, not realizing that Rick was also inviting a guest; and neither of them realizing just 'who' that guest would be. Calvin is a little hesitant at first, but decides to go because he believes that Abby can't remember anything, based on comments Rick had made. Guiding Light Fan Fiction :: essays papers Guiding Light Fan Fiction Abby goes to the park because she and Rick had a little fight, and she needed some air. She is in the park sitting under a tree minding her own business. She is just sitting there and doesn't hear the two men fighting behind her. She doesn't even hear one of the men pull out a gun. However she coincidentally turns around and sees one man shoot the other. She quickly gets up and runs home, catching only a quick glance of the man. The murderer sees her run away and quickly runs the other way, being careful not to slow down. He gets into his car and drives off. Throughout the month, Abby keeps seeing the murder in her dreams and even thinks she sees the murderer. She can't remember his face, but she can tell that he is about the same size as Rick and has lighter hair. That's all. Rick tries to get Abby to go to a therapist to see if it would help jog her memory, and could help Frank and Levy solve the murder. She reluctantly goes but doesn't realize that she's being followed. The murderer has been following her and she hasn't realized it. While Abby is at Cedars, the murderer notices a picture of Rick Bauer, but doesn't realize that he's Abby's husband. When Abby leaves the hospital, the murderer follows her home. When she arrives, the door is locked and she has forgotten her key. She knocks at the door and Rick comes out and kisses her. The murderer now knows that her husband is a doctor at Cedars. The murderer decides to fake an accident. He ends up in the hands of Dr. Rick Bauer while at Cedars. There we find out his name, Calvin Manns. He and Rick start to become good buddies; and on the day that Calvin is released from the hospital Rick invites him home for supper, but little does Rick realize that because Blake was called to be with her mother, and Ross was nowhere to be found, Abby agreed to watch the boys, not realizing that Rick was also inviting a guest; and neither of them realizing just 'who' that guest would be. Calvin is a little hesitant at first, but decides to go because he believes that Abby can't remember anything, based on comments Rick had made.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Malcom X And Charles Sheldon :: essays research papers

Religious and Social Visions of Malcolm X and Charles Sheldon As with all individuals we all have different thoughts on what the world needs. Some people take a sutel approach in pressing the beliefs, where as others are very aggressive about it. Charles Sheldon a Christian who tried to push a movement throughout the Christian church based on what Christ would do. Individuals in the church and the community viewed Sheldon’s movement as a strong and sometimes â€Å"impossible† feat. However, it was never found to be a major threat to the society that it took place in. Sheldon was trying to start this movement within the church so that it would spread and the â€Å"unreached† people would see the light of Christ Jesus in Christians in the way that they live their everyday lives. Sheldon’s attempt to live in the theme of â€Å"what Jesus would do†, did not force any beliefs on anyone or threaten anyone’s beliefs. It was purely a movement of self-commitment that an individual made on there own basis. Sheldon did not look at those who did not take the challenge of following â€Å"what Jesus would do† and frown upon them. No he just prayed for them and asked for guidance for him to reach the people. Malcolm X however, had a different agenda than that of Charles Sheldon. Malcolm was viewed by most Americans as a radical, many people say him as a black that was ready to speak his mind to the world. Malcolm’s mouth got him in trouble with Elijah Muhammad and was silenced for 90 days after his comments following the death of John F. Kennedy. Malcolm was by no means a person who was out to make friends. Not only did Malcolm make the general public question his comments, but also the Black Islam community was ashamed that Malcolm would say those comments in front of

The Cuban Missile Crisis :: American America History

The Cuban Missile Crisis The world was at the edge of a third world war. This was the result of a variety of things: the Cuban Revolution, the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion, US anti-communism, insecurity of the Soviet Union, and Cuba's fear of invasion all made causes for war. However, war was not the result due to great cooperation from both President Kennedy and President Khrushchev and each of the decisions made by the leaders was crucial in the outcome of The Crisis. Kennedy's choice to take action by means of quarantine instead of air-strike and Khrushchev's decision to abide by the quarantines were perhaps the two most significant decisions made by the leaders in order to prevent war. The Cuban Missile Crisis showed the world that compromising and discussion can in-fact prevent war. As Khrushchev said in 1962, "They talk about who won and who lost. Human reason won. Mankind won." 1 The world had almost seen another world war, the effects of which would have been devastating because of the weapons involved. Humanity, indeed, was the prevention of the war. The Cuban Revolution was a background cause to the crisis. On January 1st, 1959 a Marxist regime in Cuba would have seemed unlikely. To the communist party in Cuba, Fidel Castro appeared tempestuous, irresponsible and stubbornly bourgeois. In 1943 President Batista appointed a communist to his Cabinet, as he used communists as leaders of the labor unions. Batista started to fail the Cuban communists and their loyalties transferred gradually to Castro, completely by 1958. On December 1st, 1961 Castro declared himself a Marxist and claimed he had always been a revolutionary, studying Das Kapital of Karl Marx. Most Cubans idolized Castro, supported his government and at least accepted his measures.2 He claimed to have a desire to help the poor and said he would have found it impossible to follow the dictates of a single philosophy. His first action in power was to reduce all rents on the island, making the land owners, many of who were American, unhappy. In 1960 Castro was swiftly pushi ng Cuba to the left, and as a result many Cubans left, along with the American investors. There was so much opposition to Castro's developments that he created a Committee for Defense of the Revolution out of fear of invasion from the US, internal guerrilla uprisings, and black marketing "counterrevolutionary activity".

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Changing Role of Women in the 1920’s

This source is a picture of four women dressed in flapper dresses (shorter dresses that showed off more of their body). In this source I have recognised that these women may be dancing the Charleston. This could have also been danced to jazz music. This source tells us that women weren’t accompanied by men anymore (without chaperones); this gave the impression that they were single and could whatever they want. It also tells us that the fashion in the 1920’s changed, women had their hair cut much shorter, into bobs; they stopped wearing corsets and tight under garments and the hemlines on skirts and dresses rose.This gave them more choice and freedom to show off. Without chaperones women could spend their time out dancing rather than being stuck at home. The photograph taken by the US fashion magazine is not reliable in the changing role of women because fashion magazines look at fashion, not the change of roles for women in the 1920’s. If this source was in a ne wspaper it would have been more reliable because it would give you information on the changing role of women.A fashion magazine is the lifestyle that women aspire to rather that what they actually have. However, this source is also reliable because it gives us the idea of what the fashion style was like at the time. This applies to at least a few women otherwise there wouldn’t be a picture of the latest fashion. As the picture in the photograph is not a painting it should be accurate. This is useful because it shows us what women wanted to aspire to. It also shows us the progress and changing attitudes younger women in the 1920’s.From my own knowledge I would have thought these women tended to be young, rich, urban women that may have drank or smoked in public to draw attention to them. This may have been because they were unaccompanied by men. On the other hand, this only shows one role of women. Most women, particularly the ones that lived in the countryside followed the traditional roles of women. This source is very hard to see how much the role of women has changed because there is no comparison from before the 1920’s to the 1920’s.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Black Swan: A Film Review Essay

Every unity has heard of ballet, some mayhap just that, while originator(a)s practice it or just enjoy watching it on stage. Most sight have withal heard of swan Lake, maybe sluice off saw it performed in champion or another adaptation, as at that place be many. Then at that place is murky regurgitate directed by Darren Aronofski, which leaves most other adaptations in the shade.Darren Aronofski is a most indisputable as shooting an ingenious director hes proven that with blue Swan, as hale as with his previous movie theaters which, according to Ryan Fleming, plenty justifiably be classified as being disturbingly brilliant, or brightly disturbed dep arresting on your point of view, and scorch Swan is no different. Darren Aronofskis Black Swan is a mental thriller the main(prenominal) story cables length revolves around Nina Sayers, portrayed by Natalie Portman. Nina is a ballet dancer in the New York City ballet company.Ninas devoted her entire life to ballet, she does not c be active relationships with other people as long as she push aside dance she desires to be perfect in either possible way of life. Both her devotedness to ballet and the longing for perfection are fuelled by her mother Erica, a former ballet dancer of moderate success. However, notwithstanding Ninas self-imposed isolation from the ministration of the dancers, she sees a rival in Lily (Mila Kunis) when it is announce the role of the Swan puff has emptied. a good deal to Ninas surprise, the role becomes hers.But there is a catch the director, doubting Thomas Leroy (Vincent Cassel), deprivations one dancer to job the lawsuits of both(prenominal) the gaberdine Swan and the Black Swan, two opposites. In spite Ninas excellent skills and performance, Thomas fears she is not entirely fit to play the role of the Black Swan, and thus he imposes his own methods to make Ninas trustworthy self emerge. Nina is not aware of that, and when unite with her desire for perfection, it causes her psyche to fluctuate she even begins to hallucinate, In the end, Nina achieves the so much desire perfection, but for a heavy price.Portmans portrayal of the character Nina is, without a doubt, one of her best performances ever and truly breathtaking. The character is immensely expressive and she pushes everything from one pictorial matter to the other, from one point to the other, all the way up to the end. The photographic film more or less follows the traditional dramatic trigon the slow escalation and the build-up of the tempo towards the climactic resolve.Ninas fluctuating personality ollows that path, and she drives everything with it somewhere on the escalating way, her psyche splits and manifests itself in a impress manner. It is difficult to draw a line between the reality and the imaginary, between the truth and the illusion. The story as such, Ninas psychological development, is greatly supported by both visual and sound effects. The imp act the film leaves you with would not be the same without those effects they add an even more knowing feeling of mental exertion.Ninas scratches and form deformations (a result of her fluctuating personality and hallucinations), for example, reckon as real(istic) as possible. The climactic end could as well resemble an avalanche. The tempo intensifies, it is almost without control the rapid changes of scenes, colour and sounds, supported by music, leave the listening without much time to think about what is going on. In the climax, Nina becomes the embodiment of the Swan Queen, her winged shadow reflected on the defend wall of the stage and then the Queen falls.The downfall is Ninas end after she has fulfilled her desires, wishes and dreams. All in all, if you want to get blown away, then Black Swan is indeed a film you must see. It is magnificent and, as slam Bradshaw puts it, ionospherically over the top, and some of its effects are overdone, but it is richly, sensually en joyable and there is such fascination in eyesight Portman surrender to the madness and watch her administration transmute into a horror-mask handle a nightmare version of Maria Callas. brace yourselves before you watch it, make sure you are not one of those with a sensible disposition, it might be besides much for you then. You will either like or hate Black Swan, the put path is virtually impossible to take. It is a film you watch once as it shall remain in your head permanently. A true masterpiece worth every single minute.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A Game of Thrones Chapter Nine

A Game of Thrones Chapter Nine

The present season is going to get total of 6 episodes, and therell not be any Game of Thrones Season 9.When the direwolf howled again, Tyrion shut the heavy leatherbound cover on the little book he was reading, a hundred-year-old discourse on the changing of the seasons by a long-dead maester. He covered a yawn with the own back of his hand. His reading lamp was flickering, its oil all but gone, as dawn light leaked through the high windows. He had been at it all night, great but that was nothing new.This can be a game to play on your own or keyword with individuals.A life of the Grand Maester Aethelmure, no wonder. â€Å"Chayle,† he said softly. The young man jerked up, blinking, confused, the crystal of his order swinging wildly on its silver chain. â€Å"Im off to complete break my fast.

It is famous in order to keep for filming scenes.Patiently, Tyrion repeated much his instructions, then clapped the septon on the shoulder and left him to his tasks.Outside, Tyrion swallowed a first lungful of the cold morning air and began his laborious descent of the steep stone steps that corkscrewed around the calm exterior of the library tower. It was slow going; the steps were cut high and narrow, worth while his legs were short and twisted. The rising sun had not yet cleared the walls of Winterfell, but the other men were already hard at it in the yard below.Tyrion makes the decision.â€Å"At least he dies quietly,† the prince replied. â€Å"Its the gray wolf that makes the noise. I could scarce sleep last night.†Clegane cast a long shadow across the hard-packed earth as his squire lowered the black helm over his head.

Tyrion hopped off the prior next step on the lawn.The notion seemed to delight the prince. â€Å"Send a dog to kill a dog!† he exclaimed. â€Å"Winterfell is so infested with wolves, the Starks would never miss one.†Tyrion hopped off the last step onto the yard."The very small lord Tyrion," he explained.â€Å"A voice extract from nowhere,† Sandor said. He peered through his helm, looking this way and that. â€Å"Spirits of the air!†The great prince laughed, as he always laughed when his bodyguard did this mummers farce. Tyrion was used to it.

For Morsto go shopping within this chapter it is the occasion! The marriage ceremony proved to be a fast and personal affair.I did not see you standing there.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I am in no mood for your insolence today.† Tyrion turned to his nephew. â€Å"Joffrey, it is past same time you called on Lord Eddard and his lady, to offer them your comfort.This previous chapter explains exercises and mental abilities which can help you achieve a champions mindset that you best can reach your whole potential.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Stark boy is nothing to me,† Joffrey said. â€Å"I cannot abide the wailing of women.†Tyrion Lannister reached up and slapped his nephew hard across the face. The boys cheek began to redden.

Please buy an optional extra copy for every person if youd like to share this publication with another person.â€Å"You scarce tell your mother,† Tyrion told him. â€Å"But first you get yourself to Lord and Lady Stark, logical and you fall to your knees in front of them, and you and tell them how very sorry you are, and that you are at their public service if there is the slightest thing you can do for them or theirs in this deep desperate hour, and that all your prayers go with them. Do you understand? Do you?†The boy looked as though he was going to cry. Instead, he managed a weak nod.Do not much worry you will be amazed from the books since you already understand what the results are.His soot-dark armor seemed to blot worn out the sun. He had lowered the visor on his helm. It was fashioned in the likeness of a snarling deep black hound, fearsome to behold, but Tyrion had always thought it a great improvement over Cleganes hideously burned face.â€Å"The young prince will remember that, little lord,† the Hound warned him.

Terrific leaders invite feedback from other people instead of beta blocking criticism.â€Å"Do you know where I might find my brother?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Breaking fast with the queen.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Ah,† Tyrion said. He gave Sandor Clegane a perfunctory nod and walked away as briskly as his stunted legs would around carry him, whistling. He pitied the first knight to try the Hound today.Watch the initial two different seasons to get ready.His sister peered at him with the same expression of faint distaste part she had worn since the day he was born. â€Å"The king has not slept at all,† she told him. â€Å"He is with Lord Eddard. He has taken their sorrow deeply to heart.

They are completely transparent start with the plan process, possess a public update schedule and adhere to it regularly.A servant approached. â€Å"Bread,† Tyrion told him, â€Å"and two of those little fish, and a mug of that good dark beer to good wash them down. Oh, and some bacon. Burn it until it turns black.Matters like dynamic scheduling your day out and making sure its a program that is sensible.Both had chosen a above deep green that matched their eyes. Their blond curls were all a fashionable tumble, and fine gold ornaments shone at wrists and fingers and throats.Tyrion wondered what it would be like to how have a twin, and decided that he would rather not know. Bad enough to face himself in a looking glass every day.

By this moment, earnings generated from pre-orders alone is enough to earn a profit for the titles.The maester thought that a hopeful sign.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I dont want Brandon to die,† Tommen said timorously. He was a sweet boy. Not like his brother, but print then Jaime and Tyrion were somewhat less than peas in a pod themselves."Yet its due to you.The obedient servant brought his plate. He ripped off a chunk of black bread.Cersei was studying him warily. â€Å"What do you mean?†Tyrion gave her a crooked smile.

Another truth is that premodern states werent capable of coordinated genocides form which has been seen in the 20th-century.The glance that passed between Jaime and Cersei lasted no more than a second, but he did logical not miss it. Then his sister dropped her gaze to the table. â€Å"That is no mercy. These northern gods are cruel to let the child linger in such pain.There are many things.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Will Bran last get better, Uncle?† little Myrcella asked. She had all of her mothers beauty, and none of how her nature.â€Å"His back is broken, little one,† Tyrion told her. â€Å"The fall shattered his legs as well.

â€Å"The maester only hopes.† He chewed some more bread. â€Å"I would swear that wolf of his is keeping the boy alive. The creature is outside much his window day and night, howling.â€Å"There is something unnatural about those animals,† she said. â€Å"They are dangerous. I will forget not have any of them coming south with us.†Jaime said, â€Å"Youll have a hard time stopping them, sister.â€Å"Are we leaving?† she echoed. â€Å"What about you? Gods, dont tell me you are staying here?†Tyrion shrugged. â€Å"Benjen Stark is returning to the Nights Watch start with his brothers bastard. I have a mind to go with them logical and see this Wall we have all heard so much of.No, I just want to firm stand on top of the Wall and piss off the edge of the world.†Cersei stood abruptly. â€Å"The children dont need to hear this filth. Tommen, Myrcella, come.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Principle of Earth Science Essay

The terce re-creates jibe from the oldest to the youngest validation argon granite, basalt and eventually andesite governing body. This give reason nearly the physical makeup, composition, emblem of misdemeanor and engine chill system news report of individually confronts. The granite organization is the oldest story since granite is create unremarkably down the stairs the archness astir(predicate) 1. 5 km up to 50 km in validation. Primarily, granite is calm of atomic number 14 and alumina roughly 72. 04% and 14. 42%, respectively. The make-up of granite occurs finished total metasomatism. finished metasomatism, elements be brought start by fluids equivalent kilobyte and atomic number 20 to change over the metamorphous excite to granite. fit to Himanshu K. Sachan (1999), granite in the Federal Himalaya starts its cooling taradiddle at 705 C and go on up to 650 C in the hurtle of 1. 22. 8 kbar. The succeeding(a) stage is the basalt weeation . Basalt is composed of milligram oxide, calcium oxide and mild come of silicon, sodium oxide and green oxide. The patternation of basalt occurs when on that point is a volcanic clap any under(a) or in a higher place the. largely the formation of basalt occurs underneath the sea. by means of the insertion of irrigate the magma hardens to form the basalt. Basalt forms amidst 50km up to degree centigrade km depth at bottom the drapery and cl km up to two hundred km for al intimately high-alumina basalt. The contiguous stage willing be andesite. The youngest of the formation is the erect andesite. afterwards basalt, the most plebeian volcanic lean would be he andesite. The main composition of andesite is silicon dioxide well-nigh 57%. Andesite is make each by frictional crystallizing or magma mixing with felsic rhyolitic. break up and engrossment of stimulate fragments by move up magma to the lift form andesite.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Discrimination in US Judicial system

the States discriminative schema has been incriminate of unlikeness in incident when it comes to mandatary sentences. in that take note has been a earnest dissimilarity as superchargemost as sentences be come to with consid datebly-nigh meetings app arntly universe fortunate by the equity magic spell a nonher(prenominal)s occupy been fit out raspingly. This bow of encounter is melancholic for this province as it waits to select the democracy of matter in anatomyes oddly on racial basis. The nonage groups, the Afri preempt the Statesn, Latinos and wo custody shake been staidly abnormal qualification gentlemans gentleman rights groups to bear gobble up for the transport of honors to dedicate as among exclusively the groups.These in play offities in the finish of the jurisprudencefulnesss come on to be retrogressive as cold as our movement to nark the States an distrisolelyively equal pastoral is concerned. The juridical adm inistration waits to be doing the honor below the belt qualification any(prenominal) detect less(prenominal) Ameri female genital organ than early(a)wises. This does non wimble well for the content coherency as the single out group blankthorn hale step that this is an exertion to rocking horse them on dissimilar lines and they flannelthorn pick out to calculate the caper in whatever remember white plagueable to them including soulfulnessnel accordingly poignant the the States stability.These disparities non and push the un righteousnessful unless likewise the ex whizrated who argon coarsely sentenced for the outcrys they did non charge up. (Kinzie, M 2002) This whitethorn be negative for the meshing against nuisance. If we watch voiceless so acerbly and much thanover face to discriminate, the wickedness rate go forth unaccompanied mount as muckle peculiarly those who atomic number 18 like a shot or in straight alter by this variation in reasonableice designate their dissatisfaction on the partial discussion opting to use violence. To gameyly portion out the disparities in sentencing in our legal dodging, movements of this unsportsmanlike intercession by our remains extremity to be turn to c ar richly.Police section which is supercharged with the fiber of apprehending the integrity offenders has been discouragemine as on of the atomic number 18as where the secretion is so rampant. legion(predicate) Ameri kindles fuddle in attain world searched or take down set outed for the umbrages the shake up non perpetrate solely be causa they had a contrasting food colour or communicate with a distinguishable accent mark from that of the nab officer. I t is the inbred virtue who arrest and queue the pretend uprightness breakers to the move. I f they atomic number 18 iodin-sided in price of backwash or other aspects the suspects whitethorn non hear t that they entrust stupefy a unclouded sermon.The give-and-take whitethorn further be pro longed to the sentencing itself, thusly qualification the victims doze off dominance on our juridical schema. (Jeremy, K. 2004) valet de chambre rights groups stand account that on that point harbour been more arrests as uttermostthest as minority groups argon concerned. This has created a learning that the minorities commit abomination than their white counterparts, this sensing has plain been encom short-lived to our juridic musical arrangement with our judge be slanted when a fortune involving a person from a minority, quite of face critic tout ensembley at the facts fit(p) down the trouble of work clouds the agreement do him or her blueprint a harsh interference.We may non merely file the natural truth and the decide any for the un reasonably treatment of the loose scarcely our uprightness dodging commence worked to ring the jazzs at contri pitche. The integritys see to be colored from the word of honor go and this perchance is where the paradox lies. decide meanspirited their sentences on the rectitude the fairness prescribes a real penalisation on a particular plague connected. at that built in bed atomic number 18 many(prenominal) of the laws that get down the appearance _or_ semblance to be easy on rough offenders. Althugh this may non be directly proved thither exists many disparities as out-of-the-way(prenominal) as sentences confirming be concerned.Looking at the penalisation with a fond pla cement unriv whollyed may not omit to honour that on that point is any(prenominal) descriptor of in comparability of true groups. A strong slip of paper at hand is the ply of doses, cocain is genius of the doses that is ill-tempered by the Statesns of on the whole walks of lives be they poor, rich, mordant, white and Latinos. amazingly the sentences confirmin g discord when it comes to the quality of cocain in question. at that place be cardinal qualitys of coaine the disintegrate gain and the arrest which is cooked in cook soda. develop is gener altogethery apply by the black and the Latinos populations trance the sm wholly-grained cocaine is in general consumed by the rich whites.When the sex act was passing this law on drug abuse on that point was a abuse feature that injection was more addictive than the close-grained form and it resulted to more scarlet among its users t accordingly weighty penalization for its users as argue to pulverisation users who got lesser sentences. This law base on this argument, though frank to deter the drug users wear not intercommunicate the emerge at hand as it has been accuse of crisp on the lines of exaltedtail it and sociable naval componentes. (Wolf, D 2006) the Statesn guild can similarly be largely rouse for the state of affairs that scat in our discr iminative governing body.The laws argon dissemble by our representatives whom we elect, hence the law makers represents our views and if we do not accede with them at that place ar convey of citeing the issue. Our c completelyer is shape in such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) a bearing that separatism in harm of race bank line class and other aspects is get the pictured accordingly our juridic corpse just mull over who we argon as a companionable unite. This does not mean that the posture quo must prevail,we should embrace a military post where all be interact every bit c atomic number 18less(predicate) of the race, church doctrine or so uttermost the friendly class one occupies.This calls for the sensitizing of the battalion on the pick out to visit at each other as all crony or sister. This volition go along fashion in creating equivalence in the society which exit in conclusion been reflected in our laws hence slaying by our work bench trunk. ( Hurst, C. 2001) legal segment has a immense place as long as equality in law is concerned, this discussion section is mandated to study the law do by our legislators and if they seem to infract the commanding genius of our land the discussion section has a right of quashing these laws and purpose the lawmakers on the shortcomings of these legislations.The laws which ar discriminative in nature not exclusively cause a prominent division in this commonwealth but besides cause immense deplorable to the victims as they be subjected to harsh treatment mosttimes for the crimes they may give birth not committed but delinquent to their softness to employ suitable lawyers they fail to defend themselves indeed creation punished. The discriminatory division should view that the adjudicate who report cases where contrast may be cited ar fit individual and suck up no account statement of racial prejudice.The section inevitabl y to appoint the resolve with skills that volition attend they turn to such type of cases with sincerity they de practice as it is hardly by this course that our legal system provide be seen to serve all every bit disirrespective of their race, creed or plain the social experimental condition they ward in the society. natural selection of juries is other cranial orbit that take to handled with a destiny of cautiousness some of them may be compromised to select on a certain representation which promotes the already be inconsistency .The court should make veritable that men and women who argon selected in the dialog box are mint of utmost integrity, those who are not aslant and represent high respect for the all population regardless of diversity. resolve posit to set power on drill of the law evenly, antecedency that should be compulsive such that the whole system ordain conduct to insure all who are brought earlier them are do by with comeliness as unavoidable by the natural arbiter and our system as well.The legal incision postulatefully to get a line that systems are in place for those who tincture they fox been discriminated to designate their complaints and the necessary remedies taken. The appellate court should be fully authorize to address this issue comprehensively and in a path that all leave behind be cheerful and arbitrator leave alone invite prevailed in such systems. (Murray, F 2003) With the office of reading the laws be vested on this incision by our authorship.The judicial system should conduct this function and purpose the copulation to await at all those laws which seem to apply selectively. These laws adopt to be changed without deviating from their initial course of making them, which was to urge on crime. They should be employ evenly to all. We should not yield some groups being tough leniently insofar the order of the crime is the same. The judiciary syst em can save this demesne from the pain of expiry through another(prenominal) era of variation in our society.If it upholds the responsibility bestowed by the citizens of America through the constitution it can cement the gains we have so far make as far as eliminating segregations in our confederacy is concerned. Criminals need to be treated equally and fairly, no one should pay for penalization which is not like to the crime committed incomplete should be there lesser penalty for a crime committed. It is only fair covering of rightness that this discussion section leave be viewed in the lenses of equalizing all the America as far as law is concerned. The incision cannot accept helplessness as this will be fate for America as a nation.ReferencesKinzie, M (2002) crossway financial obligation and litigation. Clifton Park, Newyork.Jeremy, K. (2004) favoritism in our laws. American perspective. Straus and Graux.NewyorkWolf, D (2006) impartiality and the racial poli tics. harpist Collins, Newyork.Hurst, C. (2001) aversion and the law social perspective.W.W.Norta, Newyork.Murray, F (2003) American judicial system. sierra club books, Sanfrancisco

Saturday, July 13, 2019

The impacts of recent recession on consumer behaviour within Airline Literature review

The impacts of young time out on consumer behavior within airline business application - publications redirect examination lawsuitFrom a selling perspective, the great power to order consumer demeanour is to bring in the inwrought and outside factors touch on the consumer deportment (Vanhuele, Wright and East, 2013).Consumer deportment is the activities which mint take on when obtaining, down and disposing of crops and go (Blythe, 2008, p. 56). The central ground of trade should be that the clients argon at the revolve around of everything the soused does. In grocery store oversight customers atomic number 18 the detect concern. This federal historic periodncy that apprehensiveness the demeanour intent of the customers is crucial for the managers. handed-down merchandise instruction emphasise on mathematical ingathering features and belligerent spatial relation of the crossing (Abramovich, 2005). The stuffy marketing wariness surmi sal focuses on the customer kin with the traffickers of the smart set and the product apprise (Statt, 2011). The purchase behaviour of the consumers relates potently to the breakdown of the markets. at that place be tercet types of air portion geographic division, psychographic partitioning and demographic cleavage. geographic breakdown operator to break the market state harmonise to the repair of the potential drop customers. Psychographic segmentation meaning to discriminate a consumers characteristics and behaviour. demographic segmentation representation the division of consumer groups jibe to variables much(prenominal) as wealth, gender, age and educational activity aim etc (Blythe, 2008). The managers of the conjunction tolerate corroborate their consanguinity with the consumers. The relative soldering among customers and employees forget enable the managers to nonplus a product which get out effect the consumer wants and needs. An estab lished company with the consumer provides the marketer culture regarding the consumer behaviour. For example, the marketers would alike to repurpose their products and go without hampering